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Writing install scripts for CodeProject.AI Server

Installation Scripts notes


The install scripts for each module will be contained in for Linux/macOS, and install.bat for windows. These two variations mirror each other in form and variable naming.

The install scripts are call via the main script.

If setup is called from the /src folder then it runs in 'Development Environment setup' mode, meaning it sets up the entire environment in preparation for coding and debugging. .NET is installed, folders are created, and every module in the /src/modules folder is setup by calling each module's install script in turn. The demo modules in the /demos will then be setup.

If the setup script is called from within a module's home directory (via bash ../../ or ..\..\setup.bat) then the setup script operates in 'Install module' mode, meaning it will only run the necessary commands to setup the current module.

Module Setup Lifecycle

Regardless of whether the setup script is running in dev or install mode, it will carry out the same steps when installing a single module or all modules.

  1. The setup life cycle starts be detecting the current environment. The Operating system, whether it's Intel x64 or arm64 architecture, the presence of known GPUs, the type of system (eg Jetson or Raspberry Pi, or just plain Windows), and the environment (eg Docker, WSL, or native).

  2. The module's modulesettings.json file is then read to determine the module's runtime. If the module uses Python then the version of python given by the runtime setting will be installed and a virtual environment setup.

  3. If no errors ocurred, the module's install script will be run

  4. If no errors ocurred, and if the module uses Python and has an appropriate requirements.txt file, the packages in the requirements.txt file will be installed.

  5. If no errors ocurred, and if the module has a / postinstall.bat file then this script will be run

Variables available

Variable Description
os "linux", "macos" or "windows"
architecture "x86_64" or "arm64"
platform "linux", "linux-arm64", "macos" or "macos-arm64", "windows" or "windows-arm64"
systemName General name for the system. Value can be one of: Windows, Linux, macOS, WSL, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Jetson, or Docker
rootDirPath the root path of the installation (eg: ~/CodeProject/AI)
sdkScriptsDirPath the path to the installation utility scripts ($rootDirPath/SDK/Scripts)
downloadDirPath the path to where downloads will be stored ($sdkScriptsDirPath/downloads)
runtimesDirPath the path to the installed runtimes ($rootDirPath/src/runtimes)
modulesDirPath the path to all the AI modules ($rootDirPath/src/modules)
moduleName the name of the current module
moduleVersion the version of the current module
moduleDirName the name of the directory containing this module
moduleDirPath the path to this module ($modulesDirPath/$moduleDirName)
runtime The runtime this module uses. Either dotnet, pythonX.Y
runtimeLocation The location of the virtual environment for this module. It can either be 'Local' meaning it's sandboxed within the module itself, or 'Shared' meaning the venv in use will be used by other modules
pythonVersion The version of python used for this module on the current system
virtualEnvDirPath The path to the virtual environment for this module
venvPythonCmdPath The path to the python executable for the venv for this module
packagesDirPath The path to the python packages installed for this module
verbosity quiet, info or loud. Use this to determines the noise level of output.
forceOverwrite if true then ensure you force a re-download and re-copy of downloads. getFromServer will honour this value. Make sure to honour this value if you are calling downloadAndExtract directly

Methods available

Method Params
write text [foreground [background]] (eg write "Hi" "green")
writeLine text [foreground [background]]
installAptPackages "list of packages to install"
Installs a list of apt packages.
eg installAptPackages "libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libpython3-dev"
installPythonPackagesByName PIP module names, separated by space or Wheel file path, Module name
- PIP module name - the name of the Python module to install, eg 'torch'
- Wheel file path - instead of a module name you can supply a wheel file path for installation
- Module description - (optional) the name or description of the module being installed
eg installPythonPackagesByName "torch"
installPythonPackagesByName "my-torch-wheel.whl" "torch"
- PIP options - (optional) Any otions you wish to pass to PIP (eg --index-url)
downloadAndExtract storageUrl filename downloadDirPath dirNameToSave message
storageUrl - Url that holds the compressed archive to Download
filename - Name of the compressed archive to be downloaded
downloadDirPath - path to where the downloaded compressed archive should be downloaded
dirNameToSave - name of directory, relative to downloadDirPath, where contents of archive will be extracted and saved
message - Message to display during download
Download storageUrl downloadDirPath filename moduleDirName message
- storageUrl Url that holds the compressed archive to Download<
- downloadDirPath Path to where the downloaded compressed archive should be downloade
- filename name of the compressed archive to be downloaded
- dirNameToSave name of directory, relative to downloadDirPath, where contents of archive will be extracted and saved
- message Message to display during download
getFromServer folder filename moduleAssetDir message
folder - name of the folder in the S3 bucket where the file lives
filename - Name of the compressed archive to be downloaded
moduleAssetDir- Name of folder in module's directory where archive will be extracted
message - Message to display during download

Tnis method will pull an archive from the current CodeProject cloud storage. This storage is read-only and subject to change.
setupPython (Never called directly) Installs the version of python given in pythonVersion and sets up a virtual environment in the location set by runtimeLocation
installRequiredPythonPackages (Never called directly) Installs the python packages included in the appropriate requirements.txt file in the current module into the current virtual environment for this module
requirements-file-directory - an optional parameter specifying the directory containing the requirements.txt file

To call a method in a Linux/macOS install script, use method parameters (eg writeLine "Hello, World!"). To call a method in a Windows install script, use call "%sdkScriptsDirPath%\utils.bat" method params (eg %sdkScriptsDirPath%\utils.bat WriteLine "Hello, World!").