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Python requirements.txt files

There is no "one-size-fits-all" for Python packages. The Operating system, hardware, libraries, the version of Python and many more things factor into what packages can and should be installed.

To provide full coverage for all the possibilities there are two tactics. First, you can install python modules directly via the install script. The installPythonPackagesByName provides an easy way to achieve this.

Second, you can provide system specific requirements.txt files, with the installer choosing the correct one at install time. The files are named based on device, OS, architecture, GPU type, and optionally CUDA library type.

The order of preference for choosing a requirements file is as follows.

  • requirements.device.txt
  • requirements.os.architecture.cudaMajor_Minor.txt
  • requirements.os.architecture.cudaMajor.txt
  • requirements.os.architecture.(cuda|rocm).txt
  • requirements.os.cudaMajor_Minor.txt
  • requirements.os.cudaMajor.txt
  • requirements.os.(cuda|rocm).txt
  • requirements.cudaMajor_Minor.txt
  • requirements.cudaMajor.txt
  • requirements.(cuda|rocm).txt
  • requirements.os.architecture.gpu.txt
  • requirements.os.gpu.txt
  • requirements.gpu.txt
  • requirements.os.architecture.txt
  • requirements.os.txt
  • requirements.txt


  • device is one of raspberrypi, orangepi or jetson.
  • os is linux, macos, or windows
  • architecture is x86_64 or arm64
  • cudaMajor_Minor is the major/minor version of CUDA currently installed (eg cuda12.2).
  • cudaMajor is just the major version (eg cuda12).
  • rocm refers to AMD ROCm GPU support, and cuda refers to NVIDIA CUDA support.
  • gpu is a generic identifier meaning "use if GPU support is enabled, but no CUDA or ROCm GPUs have been detected". This is great for packages that support multiple GPUs such as OpenVINO and DirectML.

As an example, requirements.linux.arm64.cuda11_7.txt would be a requirements file specifically for Linux on arm64 systems, targeting CUDA 11.7. would be for targeting Windows where a GPU was found. If, in this case, no GPU was found but there was a file, then that would be used as a fallback. It's wise to always provide a generic, safe requirements.txt fallback.